In simple and informal terms, bioresonance is a science that deals with the body’s magnetic waves. When the organs and cells of the body become diseased, their electromagnetic waves change. Bioresonance science measures these changes in magnetic waves and attempts to restore them to their original state. As a result, we witness an improvement in the individual’s health.
Using bioresonance devices to detect the body’s electromagnetic waves has no side effects and is suitable for everyone. Additionally, as a diagnostic and supportive method, bioresonance plays a reassuring and promising role in all types of illnesses, whether mental or physical. There are no limitations to the use of bioresonance for enhancing health. In cases where conventional sciences are unable to assist, this knowledge can sometimes be beneficial, depending on the individual’s condition.
As you know, we must address disorders at their root. Simply cutting off the branches of the disease, or its symptoms, is not effective; we need to attack the root of the problems. In bioresonance, we strive to find the underlying cause of diseases. As a result, we avoid side effects and embrace prevention! The combination of lifestyle modification guidelines, measuring magnetic influences on individuals, and personalized diagnostics means saying goodbye to side effects. Moreover, teaching prevention methods can help individuals avoid falling ill.
Dr. Hamidreza Taheri Yeganeh, after years of experience in bioresonance science in Russia, introduced this modern and innovative science to our country and is considered the father of bioresonance in Iran. With extensive experience in this field, he is currently devoted to educating and serving our fellow countrymen with great dedication.
Socrates said, ‘An unexamined life is not worth living.’
Life gains its true value when it is consciously evaluated and analyzed. This allows us to look back at the path we’ve taken and the experiences we’ve had as a valuable and successful process. To achieve such an outcome, we must master the 10 fundamental life skills and use them to live a purposeful and meaningful life. Below, you can learn these 10 key skills, eloquently explained by Dr. Hamidreza Taheri Yeganeh, for free. (Click on the desired skill)
Every human being possesses a potential force within them that helps them continue living in their most optimal state. This astonishing and captivating force is a marvel of creation. Another name for this potential force is life energy (prana). In our body and energetic field, the chakras (Chakra) receive vital energy from the surrounding environment and the cosmos, and …
In this center, there is no concept of treatment or therapeutic methods based on modern medical prescriptions, and no chemical or herbal medicines are prescribed to patients. We collaborate with the Damon Life Enhancement Center, utilizing non-invasive and non-therapeutic magnetic technologies and advanced digital systems. Our approach involves analyzing digital data obtained from tests and combining it with each individual’s behavioral and cognitive data, leading to several practical and personalized solutions.
By synthesizing this data with the individual’s own insights, we arrive at a unique formula or approach for transforming or revitalizing each person’s lifestyle perspective. This method of health enhancement does not conflict with any modern medical treatments or pharmaceutical industries. We believe that modern treatments and medical drugs, when combined with a different lifestyle perspective and new awareness, can significantly enhance the effectiveness and value of disease treatment processes.
Final Note: If a person truly believes and wants to be healed, the intelligent brain will assist them. However, if they do not want to be healed, it is impossible to restore their health.
Dear guests, you can schedule an in-person visit by booking an appointment at the beginning of each week or month at the designated time to attend the Health Enhancement Center. Please note that we are unable to accommodate walk-ins without a prior appointment…
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